iloveorphans.com started in 2006 after a handful of Baylor friends returned from a short-term mission trip to Uganda. We returned from that trip burdened by the needs of a local mission organization in Jinja, a city in southeastern Uganda, located on the banks of Lake Victoria at the source of the Nile River.
iloveorphans.com was created with the mission of partnering with Arise Africa International, a ministry of indigenous Ugandan leaders working hard to provide physical, spiritual, and financial support to the local schools, churches, and outlying communities in southeastern Uganda.
iloveorphans.com is unique because we don’t create the vision for reaching those in Uganda; instead we support Arise Africa and their indigenous leaders by equipping and counseling them as they reach those in Uganda for Jesus.
Since 2006, iloveorphans.com has helped Arise Africa purchase 9000 acres on Lake Victoria, build a nursery, preschool, elementary school, middle school, and high school. We call this the Bukaleba Project.
In our early years, we contracted with Engineering Ministries International (EMI) and moved a missionary engineer family to Bukaleba for 18 months. During that time, they “mapped” our 9000 acres and created a master plan for the land that we have used as a guide for development.
Currently, the Bukaleba Project is home to 60+ orphans, and more than 800 kids attend one of our boarding schools. We also provide employment for more than 180 Ugandans. Bukaleba is literally the “bush” of Africa with no electricity, running water, or basic amenities. The fact that they have a school and are a place of employment is a major community development.
In an effort to create a self-sustaining community, Arise Africa has started goat farming (Bukaleba currently has more than 500 goats), forestry, and sugar cane production. Additionally, they are looking into starting a rock quarry. Unfortunately, all of these self-sustaining efforts have not yet produced the monthly income needed to support the Bukaleba Project.
iloveorphans.com will continue to walk with our friends in Uganda as we support the building and operation of the Bukaleba Project managed by Arise Africa International.
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”(Matthew 25:40)